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SFN TV NOW powered by SCTC


What is SFN TV Now?

Do you need Internet to watch SFN TV Now powered by SCTC?

What devices will SFN TV Now work on?

Will SFN TV Now only work on SmartTVs? Will it also work on phones and tablets?

Can you download SFN TV Now on streaming devices?

Can you download SFN TV Now directly from a web browser?

How many devices can access SFN TV Now simultaneously?

How many logins can you have per account?

Will I have to change my input on the TV each time I go to watch? Ex: switch from HDMI/AV to device?

Can you record the same show that you are watching?

How many viewers can be watching while recording other shows?

Can you schedule to record a show at a future date?

How many hours of recording storage?

How many shows can be recorded at the same time?

How many days/hours will recorded content be stored so it can be viewed before it is deleted? (Video answer coming soon!)

Can you watch SFN TV Now anywhere? On any compatible device?

Does SFN TV Now have a PPV option for movies and sporting events?

Does SFN TV Now offer NFL Game Day and other packages?

Is there a contract when subscribing to SFN TV Now?

Can I cancel SFN TV Now at any time?

Will channel numbers change?

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